about us

About The Parniantarh Team

Parnian Tarh website in the field of WordPress education and various educational articles to earn money from the Internet, has a dedicated sales department and also sells a variety of virtual products and provides various services in these areas to provide services to you dear users.

ParnianTarh activity history:

Parnian Tarh has started its activities in the field of designing internet websites and holding training courses since 2016, and now one of the largest website design training websites in Iran is providing services.

Our goal :

So far, more than 10,000 users have been with us, and by the grace and love of God, all these loved ones have been with us with satisfaction. We strive for every Iranian who is interested in our specialty to be able to join the world of the Internet and the web and through it to achieve income and shine in society.

Life is very short and no one lives twice, how much better to make the best use of the golden times of our lives and to learn and be one of the most memorable people on this planet and always remember us well , In Parnian Tarh, we teach students in the field of technology and site design, and we are by their side from zero to one hundred.

Being together is a start. Staying together is a breakthrough and working together is a success. Henry Ford

Parnian is a reference plan for solving problems of WordPress templates, WordPress plugins and also in other fields, which answers all your problems with its expert team and programmer and will always serve by your side.

You will experience the best support with the plan gamer.

Being motivated does not cost you anything, but it can provide everything for you

We at Parnian Tarh have gathered together in a friendly environment and with a great team, and so far we have worked with all our strength and ability for this site to keep you satisfied, and the result of this effort is that you are currently studying this. You are on the page of the site to get more acquainted with Parnian Tarh and also we get energy with the satisfaction of our customers to offer our new services better than ever.

In the following, I will introduce you to some good members of the Parnian Tarh team so that you can get more acquainted with the Parnian Tarh team.

Success is achieved after facing obstacles and overcoming them…

team members :

ParnianTarh website manager

Mr hamed mohammadi

Instructor of Internet monetization courses and founder of Startup Payam Visit

Developer, web designer and manager

Content Production Manager

Miss bahare hasani

Website designer, content production and customer support

SEO and page optimization expert

Photographer and videographer

Mr ali nadirkhanloo

Content production, photography and filming of courses, social media management

Photography expert